Red-fronted Parrot

Welcome to our page dedicated to the Jardine parrot, a colorful parrot species full of personality. On this page we will give you a complete overview of the Jardine parrot, including its physical characteristics, behavior, diet and housing needs.
Physical characteristics
The Jardine parrot is a medium sized bird, with a length ranging from 25 to 30 cm and a weight varying between 180 and 300 grams. They have a dark green plumage with black feathers on the wings and tail. They have large dark eyes with a white outline. Depending on the individual as an adult there will be red or orange on the front of the head, top of the wings and on the top of the legs. Adulthood is about 4-5 years. Lifespan about 30-40 years and native to Central Africa.
Jardine parrots are sociable and energetic birds that enjoy interacting with their owner and their environment. They are known for their intelligence and ability to learn new behaviors and words quickly. Jardine parrots also have a playful and affectionate personality. Jardine parrots form strong bonds with their owners and require regular socialization and interaction to maintain their mental and emotional well-being.
Jardine parrots need a balanced diet that includes fresh vegetables, sprouts, shoots and high quality pellets. A mixture of healthy grains and nuts in small amounts is also a requirement in his diet. It is important to avoid feeding them fatty or sugary foods, as this can cause health problems. Fresh water should be available at all times.
Housing and care
Jardine parrots need a spacious and stimulating environment to thrive in captivity. They need a spacious cage of approximately 32x24x30 living space with plenty of toys, foraging and perches to keep them entertained and active. They are active birds and require regular exercise, so it is important to provide them with opportunities to fly or exercise outside of their cage. Jardine parrots also need socialization and interaction with their owner, so it is important to spend time with them every day. Offer them baths 2-3 times a week as well as a minimum of 10 hours of sleep.
In conclusion, Jardine parrots are birds full of personality and energy that require dedicated care and attention. They are known for their intelligence, ability to speak and to learn quickly. They form tight bonds with their owners.