Sun Conure

Sun Conures are known for their bright colors, playful personalities and affectionate nature. They are a popular choice for bird lovers who want a lively and engaging pet. In this guide, we will provide information on their physical characteristics, behavior, diet, and housing and care needs.
Physical characteristics
The Sun Conures are small to medium sized parrots. Its length is about 30 cm and a weight varying from 100 140 grams. The plumage is bright orange and yellow, green wings and tail feathers, and a distinct ring of bare white skin around the eyes. Sun Conures have their true plumage color after about a year, and are fully grown by the age of 2 years. Lifespan about 20-30 years and native to the forests of the Northeast coast of South America. I am most easily found in Brazil, Guyana and Southeast Venezuela.
Sunbirds are social, affectionate birds that like to stick together and interact with their owners. They are known to be playful, curious and can be very vocal, often imitating sounds and little words. They need lots of toys and activities to keep them mentally stimulated and entertained. They need attention and can become stressed or bored if left alone for long periods of time.
Sun Conures need a balanced diet that includes fresh vegetables, sprouts, shoots and high quality pellets. A mixture of healthy grains and nuts in small amounts is also a need in their diet. It is important to avoid feeding them fatty or sugary foods, as this can cause health problems. Fresh water should be available at all times.
Housing and care
Sun Conures need a spacious cage with plenty of room to move around and play. A minimum size of 24x24x30 living space is recommended. They also need regular exercise outside their cage and to fly. A healthy environment includes plenty of toys, perches, foraging to keep them entertained and active. Sun Conures also need socialization, education and interaction with their owners, so it's important to spend time with them every day. Give them baths, they love water, 2-3 times a week or more as well as a minimum of 10 hours of sleep.
If you are looking for a colorful and endearing pet bird that likes to stick and interact with its owners the Sun Conure may be the perfect choice for you. Do not overlook its very active and vocal side in choosing this parrot.